Remember // Isaiah 46:8-10

I pray you are preparing for a meaningful and memorable Memorial Day. This is a day that is so much bigger than the unofficial start of summer, cookouts, and camping. This is a time when we are rhythmically called to pause, remember, and give thanks for those who heard and heeded the call to serve.

Our passage for today is a good one for us to focus on this Memorial Day. It is a call from God to remember our past, even in our own rebellion. God is indeed God and there is no other like the Lord. God’s precepts and principles from ancient times are just as relevant today, even though a new cultural revolution is underway. Now, it is the people of faith acting like rebels to try and keep God’s word, will, and way in focus.

The word, remember, comes from the old Latin which means, “to recall to mind.” Let that sink in. It might seem quite simple, but it is profound in its simplicity. We are called to bring to mind the way God worked in our past, is here for us in our present, and is beckoning us toward His future. All of this is rooted in the teachings of how to live with God and each other. We rebel when we think our ways are best for the sake of being comfortable in culture. Now, as previously mentioned, those seeking to walk in God’s ways are the rebels. The good news is Jesus walked the same road and challenged us to remember Him as we share the good news that runs counter to culture.

Please remember that God’s purpose will stand. Allow that promise to embolden you and give you a cause to celebrate. Trust God and believe in Jesus — the One sent to show us the way. Recall to mind what we need to do to stay in peace with the Lord as you pause today. Additionally, remember, and give thanks for those who have shown the way, charted the path, and are journeying together toward heaven.

Make Memorial Day memorable, my friends. May we remember those who gave all for our freedom, and give thanks for God’s grace made available in Christ Jesus.