Regret or Repent? // 2 Corinthians 7:10

Today’s verse gives us a great idea to hold in balance when we think about the various twists and turns of life. I am sure you can look back on some of your steps and see where you zigged and should have zagged. Maybe you got hurt or hurt someone else. Whether it was intentional or accidental, it still feels regrettable. Today’s verse gives great hope as we think about how God weaves our messes into His message. The Apostle Paul wrote that the things that grieve us remind us we need mercy. Those falls and failures need not cause eternal regret. That gut-wrenching feeling you process when you know you’ve done wrong can spur you to repentance which is a 180° turn from your stumbles into Christ’s saving grace. Salvation comes to us through the forgiveness of sins and not the merit of our achievements. So look back at those things that hurt and see how God is using the seeds of experience to germinate hope in your life. Let that faith root you deep into the soil of God’s new creation; let that hope blossom into the evidence that God’s forgiveness is real as it blooms; and in all things, let the branches of your transformed life point people to the awesomeness of our living and loving Lord! You don’t have to live a life of regret when you know the beauty of repentance!

May 18
Photo Credit You Version Bible App