Refuge // Nahum 1:7

The Bible depicts God as a refuge, as in a place we can flee when we need to feel protected. This strikes me anew as we help Brighton learn to navigate her new life and family. She had some serious fear responses the first couple weeks home from Taiwan, and usually turned to me for comfort. Tiffany and I talked to our caseworker about this and she made an interesting point that Brighton was used to female, mother-like caregivers in the orphanage, and was coming to know the protective comfort of a father. That really goes to show how God designed men and women differently to provide specific kinds of care for us when we’re most vulnerable. God wants us to see Him as a Heavenly Father to whom we can run for refuge and comfort. We can crawl up in God’s vast lap and feel the embrace of His eternally strong arms…the same that are never too short to save (Isaiah 59:1)! We need not fear turning to Him in times of trouble, because He is with us always to provide, to protect, and preserve. May we go to Him in full faith, hope, and love, and in Him, find the refuge our of Forever Family.

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