Reconsidering Turns // Job 23:10-11
Yesterday we took a quick look at repentance — turning away from a sinful life by making a you-turn to God. I wanted to take a look today at a great verse about going God’s way, even when it’s hard. Today’s verse comes from Job. The context is Job confirming that he strives to go God’s way and coming out refined like gold as a result. We don’t like to think about the fires of life; in fact, we tend to believe whether we admit it or not that faith should be a shield against troubles. It isn’t. If anything, faith is to give us hope, perspective, and endurance when hard times do come. It’s like a goldsmith using fire to purify gold by burning off the impurities. If you are going through the fires of life today, follow Job’s example: hold fast to God’s steps, keep going that way, and don’t turn from it. If you made a wrong turn somewhere along the way, know that it’s never too late to make a you turn! Yes, the fires may rage, but you never face them alone. May we all take comfort in that today and everyday.