Read Across America Day // Psalm 139:14

Today is Read Across America Day which coincides with Dr. Seuss’ birthday to promote the joy of reading. Dr. Seuss’ writings carry many themes of environmental stewardship, obedience, truth, and personal identity. Speaking of which, a lot has been made of identity recently making that the primary focus by which we are known and presented to the world. Dr. Seuss’ story about the Sneetches gives some unique insight that should counter that corrupt position.

The Sneetches in Dr. Seuss’ story are large yellow birds that divided themselves into two separate groups according to whether or not they have green stars on their bellies. Those with stars think they are better, and the sneetches without stars wish to be like the others. Eventually, the Sneetches learn that they are all the best sneetches on the beaches as a way to help the reader know we are all special in our own right.

This is true for every single one of us, my friends. Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” We each are endowed with unique gifts, skills, and abilities that are needed to help God reveal His glory to the world. We need not look down on ourselves if we feel we lack something like a tummy star, because we each have something unique the world needs.

Let’s not allow our differences to drive divisions in life. Rather, let’s read The Good Book and know that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made. Placing our lives in God’s holy hand removes our short-sighted biases to show us we are all one in Christ Jesus, made for a purpose, and loved by our Creator. That, my friends, makes us all not just the best Sneetches on the beaches, but the light of the world for this lost and lonely world!