Woven and Weaving // Psalm 139:14
You are a work of art! God wove you together in your mother’s womb and is still at work weaving your life into the tapestry of eternity! I think about how amazing our immune systems are, our ability to heal, how we experience the world through our senses and marvel at how none of us are just a like. This reveals the wonderful complexity of God intricate plan to bring beauty to the world, and how — maybe even more miraculously — God looked at said world and said, “You know what this place needs? It needs a Mark.” That is as true for you as it is for me. NO ONE is an accident. NO ONE is a mistake. Every life is precious. Every like has purpose. Every life has promise. Every life should be protected. So, let’s thank God and acknowledge how every single one of us is so wonderfully complex with such marvelous workmanship!