Purpose and Promise // Psalm 138:8

If you have a case of the Mondays, and are anxious about what today holds, this verse might just be for you. The Lord promises to work out His divine purpose for, in, and through you. Yes, that means you will likely go through some tough times, but that’s also part of the plan. The Scriptures are full of teachings where we read that difficult times are used to build our character, deepen our faith, and embolden our hope. Facing our trials in faith actually helps refine us as God uses life’s fires to purify our lives by burning off the impurities. So, if you are facing a challenge today, ask God to reveal the lessons you need to learn. Then, trust the Lord to work it out for you according to His plan. God will not abandon the works of His hands and promises to see you through to your completion in Christ. Dear Lord, let it be!

Photo Credit: Heartlight.org