Gladness & Joy // Psalm 100:2

Psalm 100:2 (NIV) | Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

How do you typically come to God? Maybe a more pointed question is, when do you typically come to God? I do my best to go to God everyday with gratitude and to ask for help for myself as well as others. I don’t always do that to the best of my ability. Sometimes sports scores and news headlines dominate my mind first thing in the morning despite my better intentions. The exceptions, though, tend to be when I am in the middle of a crisis, or several to be sure. Today’s verse calls and challenges us to come to God every day and with joy…not just in those times when we feel we need Him most. Does that convict you? It does me. So, let’s take a moment to pause and worship God for the good things and not just resort to prayer amidst our bad things. That is the key to gratitude with gladness and joy!