The Holy Botanist // John 15:2
I am not a botanist, but I have a basic knowledge of the importance of pruning. You remove less productive parts to make room for those that can be more productive. It can hurt at the time, but there is faith involved that what is to come far surpasses what exists right now. This helps us connect faith to hope (knowing that God is real and being convinced that God’s way wins in the end) when we go through pruning seasons in our lives. Are there branches in your life that are somewhat productive you sense God wants to prune to bring about a harvest that is being blocked? Are you resisting that work? Rest assured that God longs to produce divine produce in you and knows exactly how to cultivate your character to make it happen. Yes, there might be some branches that need pruning, but trust the hand of our Holy Botanist to enable you to produce the fruit He has in store your life!