Proclaim the Goodness of God // Romans 10:14
Our verse for the day culminates in v.15 as Paul asked rhetorically, “How can someone preach unless they are sent?” This proves to be a call and challenge to all of Jesus’ followers harkening back to the Great Commission: go into all the world teaching people about the Lord and baptizing them into God’s Forever Family (see Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus set the standard for us to go, tell the story so people can hear and believe. Some might be a little leery of the word, preach, because it sounds judgy. The meaning of the word in the original Greek simply means to proclaim, which is defined as to announce publicly. All of this is to say the Lord wants us to make our faith public, tell of what He’s done for us, and trust Him with what’s next. I think this syncs up pretty nicely with the famous St. Francis of Assisi line, “Preach the Gospel unceasingly, and when necessary, use words.” After all, your life might be the only Bible someone is ever able to read.