Prisoner // 2 Corinthians 10:5
Do you have anything that holds you captive? A vice? Your past? Something else? It’s easy for us to be held prisoner by the challenges in our minds if we aren’t careful. Even worry counts since its foundation in the biblical languages means to have a divided mind. God knows that a great deal of our personal spiritual battle is waged between the ears. The devil knows that, too, which is why it’s such a prime location for trench warfare of the spiritual variety. This is precisely why the Apostle Paul wrote what he did in today’s verse about taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. The idea of holding a thought captive is like a soldier holding a prisoner of war at the tip of a spear…or the barrel of a gun in a more modern context. It’s imperative to know that we don’t hold our thoughts captive under our own power because we are so susceptible to distraction; no, we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal our vulnerabilities and bolster our defenses. So, do you have anything that holds you captive? A vice? Your past? Something else? Don’t let it hold you prisoner, rather trust the Lord to stand guard and keep your life in cadence with Christ’s love leading the way.