Pride or Gratitude? // 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Today’s verse brings a serious smile to my face because of how it makes me feel about serving God at Hope Church. There have been some times I feel such pride to serve where I do, but that word — pride — is something that can cause consternation. Proverbs 16:8 is where we get the caution that pride comes before the fall. The question I ask myself when I might be unsure is, “Is what I’m feeling pride or gratitude?” There is a noticeable difference. Pride focuses on self whereas gratitude focuses on God. A common refrain in the Bible, and the Psalms in particular, is to give thanks to God because His love lasts forever. God’s love when shared amongst us helps us to experience the fullness of life with the Lord, even when we come upon difficult times. Therefore, as the Apostle Paul wrote in today’s verse, it’s only right that we give thanks. So next time you’re concerned you’re being prideful, ask yourself if what you’re feeling might actually be gratitude. If it is, know that expressing it is a must!