Popularity or Obedience? // Galatians 1:10
Today’s verse is one the stings me. I am a people pleaser. I’ve always struggled with it. It is a metaphorical thorn in my flesh and fighting that tendency is one of the crosses I bear. The wisdom we read in this verse points to a conflict the Apostle Paul experienced with those who believed that a person must first convert to Judaism before becoming Christian. Paul was so convicted about introducing people to Jesus that He was willing to stand up to those who he wanted to be his allies in order for others to experience salvation. How does that strike you? Do you vacillate between human popularity and godly obedience? If you do, remember that following Jesus must be your prioritized focus. So, if you feel yourself in that tension today, choose God’s way and know you will be blessed. That doesn’t mean you might not encounter some strife, but this is what’s required while staying in step with the love of God.