Point to God // Luke 11:20

I had a boo-boo the other day. It was a simple paper cut on my index finger, and it was basically solved with a band-aid. It feels fine, but with modern technology, it proved to be a bigger issue than I could have figured. All of my devices use fingerprint recognition to access them. The touchscreen didn’t like the bandage, so typing was a problem. Even typing on my computer keyboard was challenging.


Today’s verse is from Luke 11:20, “If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you” (CEB). Jesus was being challenged as a demon because of His authority over lesser demons. This is when Jesus issued one of His more memorable statements, that a house divided against itself cannot stand. I also think Jesus couldn’t stand the idea of people thinking that the good He was doing was for the purpose of evil and deception. That’s why He made the statement He did about using the finger of God, not just to do miracles, but to point people to God.

Is there anything going on in your life where something has gotten in the way of your message or ministry? In Christ you have the power of God’s authority to point people to God. A simple bandage won’t cause any issues with it, but maybe there are some other things that might get in the way of proving your identity or communicating your message. If that’s the case, trust Jesus to remove them from you, unifying your life with His so you both can use your fingers to point someone to the Kingdom of God!