Persistence Helps Root the Fruit // Hebrews 6:10

Perseverance and persistence are current themes in our verses for the day. The broader section of Hebrews in which we find today’s verse is about believers staying true even when they see others around them falling away from the faith. Wow, can I relate to this! The promise this verse seeks to remind us of is God is just, remembering what we do for Him, and how we help His people. It’s easier to do this when things are going well and momentum seems to be in our favor. What do we do, though, when we see it ebb from where we are? Well, the answers are what we just read: remember God is just, so continue to serve God by serving others. This is where perseverance produces fruit in our lives. Yes, it might require a bit more work at times, but this is what helps root the fruit so it may produce a godly produce in our lives as well as around us in the world.