Pentecost Sunday // Acts 4:31

Happy Pentecost Sunday! This is the day we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit. You can find throughout scripture many times the Holy Spirit appeared on the scene, but it was usually a one-off time and/or place. What makes today unique is seen in our verse from Acts 4:31. We read that after the disciples prayed hey we’re ALL filled with the Holy Spirit and boldly spoke the Word of God. Now, God’s Spirit inhabits all believers, enabling and empowering them to be Jesus’ witnesses throughout the world. This fulfilled the promise Jesus left the Disciples as we read in Acts 1:8 about how “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The unique nature of that location progression shared by Christ states that the Holy Spirit will help us speak boldly of God in our hometown, our broader community — including the places we’ve always been told to steer clear — our nation, and throughout the world. The Gospel is not intended to be relegated to a certain place or a certain time — take for example, an hour once-a-week in a church building — but anywhere and everywhere we go. I hope you feel the encouragement and empowerment of the Holy Spirit today. May it shake you free of your old worn-out, burned-out way of living and fill you with the courage to share the love of God in Jesus in all you say and do.