Peacemaking // Matthew 5:9

Jesus said that peacemakers are blessed because they will be called children of God. Please note He didn’t say peacekeepers. If He did, that would assume there is a peace worth keeping. Our upside-down world looks to stoke or solve conflict. Jesus was pretty clear that we will find troubles throughout the world, because the world sees peace differently from God. We want to see peace as the absence of conflict, whereas Jesus’ teaching is that peace is a calm and steadiness in the face of it. This is akin to meekness, or strength under control. Problems arise when we are willing to compromise values in order to keep the peace. God does not want us compromising His principles to secure some kind of tenuous peace. Godly virtues and values are eternal and not circumstantial. Yes, this will cause conflict in the world, but the Lord always wants us to side with Him, and if we must err, to err on the side of grace. So, how can you be a peacemaker in your world today? Don’t aim to compromise in order to avoid conflict, because what you end up compromising might be exactly what Jesus needs you to do. No, peacemaking is not easy, but it’s worth it.