Palm Sunday // Luke 19:38
Today is Palm Sunday, the day we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. It kicks off Holy Week, culminating in Jesus’ betrayal, last supper, arrest, mock trials, torture, execution, burial, and resurrection. Before we get there, though, I want us to spend a little time on the meaning of today. Jesus rode into town on the back of a donkey giving a distinct symbolic show as a king riding in a time of peace. He was met with throngs of people shouting, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” The people expected Jesus to come and restore Israel’s sovereignty since they were occupied by the Roman Empire. Jesus’ mission was of far greater significance, though. He came to restore the people’s relationship to God!
Today is National Reconciliation Day in addition to Palm Sunday. This is a day where people are encouraged to do the work with someone with whom you are in a broken relationship to come to a point of understanding. That understanding might be to mend the fences or agree to go your separate ways. Regardless, don’t let the divisions that exist between you to continue to weigh you down. This is precisely what Jesus did as He gave His life for you and me. He restored the relationship God desired with all humanity by making it possible to experience salvation through the forgiveness of sin.
You might note that today’s verse from Luke 19:38 echoes Jesus’ birth announcement: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” (Luke 2:14). God’s favor rests with all those who acknowledge Jesus and God’s Son, believe He died and was resurrected as the payment for our sin-debt, and confess our need for a savior. This is God’s eternal gesture for reconciliation. Will you accept it? Do you believe it? Can you confess it? I pray so, because Jesus came in God’s all powerful name to save us and reconcile us back to Himself. Let that change your life and allow yourself to be used by God to change the world!