Overwhelmed? Overcome! // John 16:33
Today’s verse is one that I quote very frequently because I have to remind myself of it frequently. Jesus promised us that we will have trouble in the world because the world is against God and His people. Now, understand “the world” is really a catch-all phrase that refers to those who are opposed to God and the Lord’s ways. Our default position is we want our faith and hope, combined with God’s love, to inoculate us against problems. It doesn’t. Rather, faith, hope, and love is what helps us not only endure, but come out on the other side. In other words, overcome. So, we hear Jesus’ words and find within them two promises: (1) we will have troubles on this side of heaven, but (2) we will ultimately overcome because Jesus overcame! So, take heart my friends if you feel overwhelmed with troubles today. Jesus overcame and promised you will, too, when your faith, hope, and love is rooted in Him!