Our Sovereign God // Romans 15:5
Today we read about how the Scriptures are given to us for the purpose of endurance and encouragement. We can read all kinds of stories and accounts about how God showed up when circumstances seemed hopeless. We can see how God used some pretty epic scoundrels to accomplish His purposes. We can also be amazed by how God performed miracles to move seemingly unmovable obstacles to prove that the heartbeat of heaven beats for you and me. From parting the sea to raising the dead, God proved that nothing is outside of God’s purview. We use the word, sovereign, to describe God’s presence and power. Check out Jeremiah 32:17, “Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” God is in charge of everything and nothing is too hard for the Lord. May that give you the endurance to keep on keeping on, and encouragement to know that if God is for you, nothing can stand against you (Romans 8:31)!