Opposite Day // Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 5:20 (NIV) | Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
It’s opposite day! How will you celebrate? Whatever you choose to do — whether it’s burgers for breakfast and donuts for dinner — remember that the Bible cautions us about what happens when we as people go our own way and invert God’s word, will, and way. Isaiah 5:21 goes on to say, “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.” We see so much of this in our modern world, as though we have finally outsmarted God and God’s natural law. But it doesn’t work, which is why our self-perceived wisdom turns into woe when our opposite worldview collapses on itself. Beyond wisdom to woe, my other three Ws will help: dig into God’s word, to go discern God’s will, and commit to God’s way. The world stuck in perpetual Opposite Day will likely think you’re weird, but this is how we know that God is good (Psalm 100:5); walk in the Light with Christ (John 8:12); and that sweetness is found in God’s Word, keeping us on God’s holy path (Psalm 119:103-104).