On Sowing Generously

2 Corinthians 9:6

Your life is full of seed — those are the things you scatter in the world; things like your words and deeds. You have the ability to scatter those things to make a difference. The more you scatter, the greater the impact. Unfortunately, many of us get leery for a myriad of reasons including judgment, rejection, apprehension, anxiety, fear, etc. The idea from scripture is we need to be willing to scatter wherever and whenever possible. The more seeds we scatter, the greater the possibility to make an impact and see results. It’s practically guaranteed that not every seed scattered will sprout, but it is a certainty that every seed not scattered never will. So where do you see fertile ground today to make a difference with the things you can say and do? How will you scatter them? Scatter that seed and then be like the farmer who works to nurture and cultivate them until it’s time for the harvest. Let’s not hold back, but see how far our reach can be for God. How about it? Let’s go!

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App