On Reconciliation// 2 Corinthians 5:18

What comes to mind when you think about reconciliation? One definition means to restore friendly relationships. Another deals with helping to make differing views compatible. The theological understanding of reconciliation, though, is about God restoring the relationship He desired from the very beginning with humanity, but we marred with sin. As we see in today’s verse from 2 Corinthians 5:18, from creation to Christ, it all began with God. God then passed the work of reconciliation along to us so we can have our own individual missions in the overarching campaign to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). This merges all three definitions of reconciliation together: God wants to restore the relationship with us, which points to Jesus calling His followers friends as opposed to servants; Jesus then wants us to see that a godly worldview is incompatible with a sin-riddled worldview so we will seek God’s will, word, and way; then once we acknowledge that, we are set to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Who do you know in your life that would benefit from biblical reconciliation? Is it you? Someone else in your life? Take this enhanced understanding of reconciliation and let’s help bring the world back to the Lord!

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