On Mushrooms and Oak Trees // Galatians 6:9
Today’s verse points us to a significant aspect of our human nature. We are results oriented people and want to see immediate dividends. So what happens when we apply ourselves fully but don’t see what we expect right away? We can get all kinds of impatient, frustrated, and tired. We might think, “Why bother?” Or fall into the trap that “someone” will get to it. Perhaps God is counting on YOU to be that someone. I read somewhere that God takes six hours to make a mushroom, but up to sixty years for an oak tree. The work God is doing to save our world could happen in an instant, but God knows that it takes time for His love to take root in our lives so our faith anchors us, our hope casts our vision to the future, and His love propels us there. May we not sequester ourselves while pressing onward, but work diligently to share the Gospel so we can take part in Jesus’ rescue mission for humanity (Luke 19:10). Yes, it will take a while, and the work might be hard until it comes to fruition, but it’s worth it, both for you and others. So, let us not grow weary in doing good. May we root ourselves in Jesus, keep our eyes on Him as our goal, and trust His love to propel us toward our future in Him!