On Doors and Walls // Proverbs 11:25

Today’s verse is one that can seem counterintuitive to those who do not understand how God works. The uninitiated will wonder about the connection between generosity and prosperity. How can giving something away make us more prosperous? It begins with recognizing the source of all things: God. I’m sure you’ve probably heard the phrase that when God closes a door He opens a window? I like to think of it more like when God closes a door He often knocks down a wall! The idea being that when we turn over our lives to the Lord, He does things that defy logic. His miracle-working power is often unleashed when we unclench our hands and allow Him to work with the things He gave us in the first place. That alone is often a miracle, isn’t it? So, what do you have today that you can share and watch God multiply? What doors have been closed that cause you to turn around and realize the Lord has knocked down the walls that divide?

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App