On Active Listening // Job 33:3

Yesterday we looked at the difference between scared and sacred. I wanted to take a few minutes this morning and look at another similar example of wordplay. The words listen, and silent, are are spelled with the same six letters, but take on different meanings; especially in conversation. Active listening means that we choose to fully hear what the other person is saying. This is as opposed to how frequently we tend to try and formulate our response while the other person is speaking. Putting active listening into practice means you allow the other person to finish speaking. Then, you repeat what was said by saying, “What I heard was…”, and then waiting for the other person to confirm you heard was accurate or correct and direct.

Our verse for today comes from Job 33:33. This is when Job’s friend, Elihu, was speaking. I find it interesting how we see the connection between being silent, listening, then willing to learn and apply the lesson. This is a great way for us to remember how we should approach our communications with each other, as well as the Lord.

Are you actively listening when someone speaks to you, or are you formulating your response? Try active listening to assure the other person you heard what was said. If the lessons are good, put them into practice. Allow others to speak truth to you and be fully heard.