No Rhyme or Reason Day // Proverbs 16:4
Today is National “No Rhyme or Reason” Day. It is a day where people are called to embrace the randomness of life. Is it random, though? We see that God made everything with a place and purpose. Things might seem random to us, but our vision is limited.
If you feel you are caught up in some random craziness, remember, nothing catches God off guard. If you fear you are about to have a breakdown, trust that God is readying you for a breakthrough! Nothing is random. Sure, people who refuse the Spirit might do bad things to you, but here are two Biblical truths I pray bring you some hope:
- What others intend for evil, God can use for good (see Genesis 50:20).
- God works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).
Yes, God made everything with a place and a purpose, which includes you! Remember and know that nothing can separate you from the conquering love of God in Jesus Christ, including the things that might appear to happen with no rhyme or reason (Romans 8:37-39)!