National Snowflake Day // Isaiah 55:10-11
Isaiah 55:10-11 (msg) | Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth, doing their work of making things grow and blossom … So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.
Today is National Snowflake Day. Snow appears a few times in the Bible, which interests me due to how much I associate the holy land with a more arid climate. The Bible uses snow as a metaphor for purity, forgiveness, and beauty. Snow is also used to illustrate God’s power and control over the universe. Here are some examples that Bing gave me from various sources on the Web:
- Snow is evidence of God’s creation as each of us are made unique and awesome.
- Snow points to the purity of Christ.
- Snow is an example of how we all can be made pure like Christ when we are washed in His blood and forgiven of sin.
- Snow can also be dangerous, which indicates the power and complexity of creation.
I also think it is important for us to think about the second part of this verse and how God said His word will not return to Him empty. We can look at how Jesus is described as the Word of God in John 1. Jesus came to lead us back to the heart of God and He succeeded in not returning empty. He WILL return to Earth and bring those who accept His offer of salvation through the forgiveness of sin with Him to Heaven. Friend, you are unique, a true one-of-a-kind, made in and by God’s infinite power. That power cleanses you from your sin-stains and makes you into a brand-new creation.
So, on this National Snowflake Day, think about God’s creation and how humanity’s sin has marred it. Consider how the Father sent Jesus in all His purity and power to redeem and restore our relationship with God. You are then made into a new creation, complex, awesome, and even as the psalmist said, “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). May that be how we approach and appreciate this National Snowflake Day.