National Kids Day // Matthew 19:14

Today is National Kids Day! This is a time when we are to celebrate the joy, enthusiasm, and wonder of children. We also are called to acknowledge the difficult circumstances that plague the lives of so many…from poverty, hunger, abuse, neglect, and of course the plight of the orphan.

Children were expected to be seen and not heard in the time of Jesus. Our verse for the day from Matthew 19:14 occurred when a bunch of children were drawn to Jesus and the disciples were trying to shoo them along so not to bother the Lord. Matthew tells us that Jesus rebuked them and invited the children to Him for a blessing. Can you imagine the stories their parents told them afterwards, and especially following the Resurrection?!

Jesus wants us to come to Him with faith like a child. May we all experience the joy, enthusiasm, and wonder of life! Jesus is issuing us an invitation with a blessing. “Come to me!” Will you?

Olive Tree Bible