Multiplying Miracles // Proverbs 11:24
I love how the Message renders today’s verse: “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.” How does that strike you? It might seem like a contradiction to those without faith. How can giving something away cause you to have more? Well, the answer is in the biblical law of sowing and reaping. When you sow a single tomato seed, you don’t harvest one tomato. Sowing the seed and keeping watch over its growth brings about bushels of tomatoes when combined with some bread and mayo makes the best ‘mater sandwiches! God wants you to know that He works multiplying miracles with your resources when you entrust them to Him. Holding on to them only prevents God from working wonders. So, open your hands, give your gifts to God, and watch for the multiplying miracles He will accomplish in your life. It’s part of natural law, so you can count on your faith to grow with the harvest of hope you plant.