Mindful? // Psalms 8:34
Does it strike you that of all the magnificent things God made that He is mindful of you? The height of Mt. Everest. The depth of the Challenger Deep. The perfect calibration of the angle and speed upon which the Earth rotates on its axis. The magnificence of the blue whale. The mighty power of the microscopic atom. The continuous expanding of the universe. The numbers of hair on your head. The beating of your heart. The joy of your laughter. The sorrow of your tears. The complexity of the entire created order and the determination that creation needs you. Yes, God is mindful of you. And not just mindful…He cares, and cares enough to send His one and only Son so He need not worry about an eternity without you in it. He is calling out to you from the songs of the whales to the humming of the stars…from the vista of Everet’s peak to the crashing of every wave at the surf. Do you hear it? Will you accept it? God is mindful of you and I pray you are mindful of Him.