Deny Self? // Matthew 16:24

What comes to mind when you read Jesus’ words about denying self? My initial thought is to deny myself some of the things or activities that pull me away from God. That’s true, but it isn’t complete. The verb, to deny, in the Greek means looking back to what was originally refused (rejected, forsaken); the source. In other words, Jesus’ intent isn’t just to get us to deny the actions, but the underlying sinful impulses that tempt us to do our own thing AND compels us to follow-through. Remember, temptation in and of itself isn’t sin as Jesus Himself experienced temptation, but turned to the source of strength to stand strong as opposed to giving in to the source of sin (Hebrews 4:15). We tend to turn to the source of sin and give in, thinking no one will know; after all, no one will get hurt. But giving in to sin isn’t victimless. It hurts us, which is precisely why Jesus said we need to deny self. And don’t forget, that isn’t just the sinful things we want to do, but the source that calls us to want to do them in the first place.

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