A Masterpiece // Ephesians 2:10
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
God made you to be a masterpiece! Your life is a prized representation of God’s holy creativity. The word for masterpiece in the original Greek is, poiēma, which is where we get our English word, poem. Think of this as a work of art using words, but not just any word, THE WORD! We cannot overlook the crux of today’s verse, which shows that our status as a masterpiece isn’t based on anything in our lives apart from the grace of God in Christ Jesus; therefore, you are saved by the Word (Jesus) with your words (confessing your sin and need for a Savior) to reflect God’s image and share God’s glory. You know what makes a great poem, right? The meter, cadence, creativity, and rhyming…all of which means you need to study God’s Word (the Bible) to get and stay in step with the Lord. Steeping your entire life in God’s written masterpiece of the Scripture will help you immensely as you get closer to the Lord, grow stronger in the Lord, and represent the Lord for the world. Don’t forget you are God’s masterpiece, so live like it and love like it, ok? Let’s do it…let’s gooooooo!