The Word of God will Never Fail // Luke 1:37

So many things fail in our world. The government fails us. People fail us. Our health fails us. Our own morals fail us. The theory of entropy as the second law of thermodynamics indicates that the world is in decay. That isn’t a comfortable thought, because we want to see things improving; yet, when we look around, we see so many institutions and things in which we placed our hope begin to rot. This can leave us feeling faithless. We shouldn’t. After all, as we see in today’s verse, the word of God will never fail. And know this: the word of God isn’t just letters printed on a page, but a person — Jesus Christ, the very one who is given dominion over the heavens and earth. The Book of Revelation teaches us that the Word of God will create a new heaven and a new earth because the one we experience today is in decay. The new creation will never fail. Why? Because it will be made by the Word, with the Word, and for the Word…the very one who conquered sin, which is the reason we’re in the predicament we’re in currently. So, if you feel things failing around you, I want to encourage you not to fret; rather, turn it into a prayer request to the King of kings and Lord of lords. We read in the Good Book that even the government is on His shoulders and I can’t think of a better place for it to be.

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