Love One Another // John 13:34

John 13:34 (NIV) | A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Yesterday we looked at how love is to be our center. Jesus uttered the words for today’s verse shortly before He went to the cross. That, of course, was the preeminent gesture of love that would inspire the disciples in their own ministries after Christ’s ascension. All of the disciples were martyred for their faith — technically except for John, but not for lack of trying, and John ended up dying on the prison island of Patmos — so their sharing of the Gospel followed in Jesus’ example. Martyrdom isn’t usually required of us in the USA these days, so why can it be so hard to share the greatest love story of all time? So, whatever it is you have to do today, make sure you do it in love. Make sure everyone knows that love is at your center.

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