Love in Action // Hebrews 10:24

Love and service go together. Jesus is the premiere example. As God in the flesh, He came to show us God’s way is love; after all, we are able to love because God loved us first. Receiving love fills our lives to overflowing so love floods the world. I want you to consider Hebrews 10:24, “Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.” What can we glean? First, you can’t just think about yourself; no, think about others. Next, look for ways to help. There are near limitless ways — don’t think that only big things make the biggest difference. Then do it…act…but do it in love. Don’t try to draw attention to yourself or make it a performance; after all, Jesus cautioned that when our good deeds are performative in nature, then being seen is the extent of the reward. When we think beyond self and aim to serve selflessly in love, then the rewards are out of this world. So who are you thinking of today? How can you show your love of God and others with the good deeds you’re called do? Do it, because “love in action is service.”

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