Living Hope // 1 Peter 1:3
What do you think about hope? Some see it as a perspective of optimism. That’s not quite right. Hope is an animating force that convicts and grounds us that things will be made right in the end, even though the evidence is not currently clear. Hope is critical for the Jesus follower, isn’t it?
I read a quote the other day from Helen Keller that really struck me about the nature of hope: “Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” That really speaks to me in light of today’s verse from 1 Peter. Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation of hope for the believer that proves the worst thing that happens can never be the last things that happens to us. The power of the Holy Spiritual surging in and through our lives helps us focus on the invisible (GOD!), feel the intangible (faith, hope, and love), and achieve the impossible (redemption, regeneration, and restoration). All of these bask in the glowing eternal light, knowing the darkness not only cannot overcome it, but doesn’t understand how or why. That is hope, my friends!
We are inclined as humans to put our hope in things like money and things. Don’t. Put your hope in a person, the man Jesus Christ. He is the light of the world, the ultimate victor of all things evil, and longs to be your personal savior. Will you allow Him? Invite Him into your life today and watch how He makes the invisible visible, the intangible tangible, and the impossible possible. May the living hope of God live in you today and forever!!!