Lifting the Veil // 2 Corinthians 3:17

The Apostle Paul, who wrote the 2nd letter to the Church at Corinth, was emphasizing the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. The broader section in which we find today’s verse speaks specifically to the glory of God. Initially people experienced God through the Law. Paul points out that this manifestation of God was always designed to be replaced. The point of the Law was to prove that there is no way we can reach God’s standard of perfection on our own. He gave us all the help we need, though, in Jesus’ sacrifice and the gift of the Holy Spirit. One of the Spirit’s roles is to remove the veil of misunderstanding from us so we can behold the glory of God. Without the Spirit’s help, we will always fall short trying to reach God. What is so beautiful — and almost impossible — to comprehend is that God reaches out to us with a nail-scarred hand…even as imperfect as we are. Will you accept God’s outreach to you? Will you allow Spirit to lift that veil so we can know as we are fully known? This Lord’s Day is the perfect time to start.
