Let Us See What Love Can Do // 1 Corinthians 13:7

William Penn is quoted as saying, “Let us see what love can do to mend a broken world.” The founder of the province of Pennsylvania drew his inspiration from the Bible. There are so many ways Scripture shows us that love can motivate God’s people in service to others. We need a return to the Jesus mindset. All too often we spell service as, “serve-us.” That isn’t God’s way and keeps our eyes focused on individual concerns. We need love to mend this broken world and we need to give it a chance to do what its eternal power has always been able to do; namely, to bear others’ struggles, believe in God’s limitless power, hope that God’s way wins in the end, and endure the struggles we face until God finally sets it all right. So, as we prepare to face this day — another September 11th, no less — let us see what love can do to mend our broken world.

Photo Credit: Life.Church Open Network