Kinetic Knowledge // Philippians 4:9

I remember feeling convicted once when a pastor said that we already know a lot more about living for the Lord than we would ever put into practice. I noodled that for a minute and realized there is a good bit of truth in it. The basics of belief can be fairly straightforward: we have a sin-problem that Jesus solved when He died on the cross. We are saved when we confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. But then, we need to live transformed lives, right? We know we are called to deny ourselves in order to live humbly, with love, sacrifice, service, generosity, etc. Those active virtues can be so difficult, can’t they? The life of faith, though, requires congruence in our belief and behavior. We need to sync our head and heart knowledge with the kinetic energy of faith in order to actually live for the Lord. So, as the Apostle Paul wrote, let’s put into practice all that we have learned, received, heard, and/or seen, and as a result, the God of peace will be in us!
