On Pups and Pachyderms? // Galatians 1:10

I confessed yesterday that I can be a worrier. Today’s verse inspires another confession, too — I am a people pleaser by nature. That’s a tough place to be, because there’s no way anyone can please all the people all of the time. Honestly, that’s one of the primary things that causes me worry. How about you? The Apostle Paul discussed this when he wrote Galatians and drew a line between striving to please people or please God. The reality is we cannot do both, at least the vast majority of the time. We see it in weather — some want it to rain while others want sun. We see it in sports — some want the Bulldogs to win and others cheer for the Crimson Tide. We see it in politics — some vote for the Democrats while others Republicans. That proves living life as a people pleaser is a no-win scenario. The Bible’s instruction is for us to seek the Kingdom of God first, commit to serving Jesus in all things, and then allow everything else to fall into place. This really is the only way to live. So, make serving Christ your focus, because that is what pleases God. After all, not even God can please all the people all the time. Just look at the last several meetings of UGA and Alabama as an example. No matter how many times, or how hard I pray, I seem to grumble more than grin. I guess it proves that we need that eternal perspective to keep us going and keep the main thing the main thing. So, how ’bout it?
