Joseph: Truly a Man After God’s Own Heart // Matthew 1:21

Matthew 1:21 (NIV) | She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

Yesterday I referenced how the news of Mary’s pregnancy would have been scandalous for her, her parents, and Joseph to whom she was betrothed. A betrothal is a lot like an engagement in today’s culture, but it was binding in Biblical times, requiring a legal divorce to break the agreement. Betrothals lasted a year or more and the couple was to remain celibate throughout the entire period. So, when Mary shared the news of her pregnancy, it was scandalous, indeed! Some might have thought that Mary and Joseph violated the rules of their betrothal, but Joseph knew better. I’m sure Joseph was bewildered, but this account also shows his honor. If Mary was pregnant and he had nothing to do with it, then he could have declared she committed adultery, for which the penalty was death. The future of the human race hung in the balance, so God sent an angel to deliver a message via a dream to Joseph about what was happening. The very next verse explicitly says that Joseph did exactly as he was instructed, took Mary as his wife, and waited to consummate their marriage until after Jesus’ birth and the required purification process was completed. Talk about a man after God’s own heart!

I think a lot about Joseph as an adoptive father myself. It really is a miracle. I held and hold my little girls knowing there is no DNA that connects them to me. But you know what? I am daddy all the same. I believe God chose Tiffany and me to raise them through the difficulties of their entrance into the world. They had nothing to do with what happened to them and they deserve to have a mommy and daddy to raise them. As imperfect as we are, we do our best trusting in the perfect love of God Almighty. I imagine Joseph did the same. He had to overcome those gossipy whispers and condescending glances, but he decided to take on Mary’s suspected shame as his own. Could there have been a better example for Jesus who one day would be called upon to do the same for all of us? What a role model and teacher!

Joseph: A man after God’s own heart, indeed.