Jesus: The BIG Difference Maker // Hebrews 13:8
Today’s verse is one that flies in the face of current conventional wisdom that truth evolves with the times. Jesus claimed Himself to be truth (John 14:6) and that truth sets us free (John 8:32), but problems can arise when we think about the meaning of freedom. Jesus didn’t set us free so we wouldn’t have to worry about God’s will, He set us free so we need not worry about the worldly consequences of following God. There’s a big difference! Truth doesn’t change with the times, but that doesn’t mean the times don’t try to change truth; after all, this is the essence of Satan’s first temptation. The devil didn’t try to convince them that the apple was the crunchiest, sweetest, juiciest thing in the garden, he simply got them to question the Word of God. Those tactics haven’t changed. Jesus came to show us that the heartbeat of heaven beats for you and me. He came to die for the penalty of sin, not give His approval of it. But maybe the greatest thing about Jesus is how He shares His grace and mercy, transforming our biggest messes into a message of redemption. The fact that truth hasn’t changed can give everyone the encouragement to turn to Him and experience the promise of eternity that is available right here and now. That, my friends, proves Jesus is the BIG difference maker! May we turn our lives accordingly and chance for the sake of the One who never changes.