Jesus Saves and Satisfies // John 6:35
This verse is one that helps us find the delicious center of a Jesus sandwich. Jesus was born in Bethlehem which translated means, House of Bread. Jesus served the Passover Meal to the disciples just before going to the cross (where we get our service of Holy Communion) and declared the bread was His body and the wine was His blood poured out for everyone’s salvation. What’s really cool in this quick survey of Jesus describing Himself as bread comes in the temptation narrative in Matthew 4. Jesus was hungry because He was fasting. Satan tempted Jesus to turn some rocks into bread. Jesus replied, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God'” (Matt.4:4, NIV). Then, if we back up even further into John 1:1, we read that Jesus is also known as the Word of God by which everything was created! Goodness, I love the Bible! Jesus saves us and satisfies the spiritual hunger we have for salvation and significance in the Kingdom of God. We will be tempted to find satiety elsewhere, but remember Jesus is the only One who both fills and fulfills the hunger pangs of the soul.