Jesus in the Flesh // John 20:29
Today’s verse is part of a larger section depicting some of Jesus’ first post-resurrection appearances. I will explore this more thoroughly during today’s worship gatherings at Hope Church, but I wanted to take a moment and draw attention to this for our devotion time.
Thomas unfortunately garnered the moniker, Doubting Thomas, because he had a hard time believing the news of Christ’s return. He was no shrinking violet, but he witnessed the brutality of Jesus’ torturous execution and could not believe anyone could have survived or come back from something so awful. Fortunately, Jesus isn’t just some anyone, but the promised Messiah who fulfilled His very own promises. Thomas had the benefit of believing Jesus is who He claimed to be since he could physically experience Jesus in the flesh. This prompted our verse for the day where we see Jesus respond, “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.“
There’s a thought that I cannot shake: I’m pretty sure I have seen Jesus in the flesh. Now, I haven’t been able to put my finger in the wounds of His hands or side, but I’m convinced I’ve encountered the Risen Lord. I’ve had people come alongside me in my lowest and most desperate times. I’ve had people refuse to let me give up on my faith. I’ve had people share their own wounds with me so I can know there is hope beyond the horror. I’ve had people make incredible sacrifices to help me fulfill my own call to share the Good News. I’ve seen inexplicable miracles — from tiny to tremendous — that lend credence to incredulity. I have become so convinced in my faith because I’ve seen Jesus in some unmistakable and remarkable ways.
How about you? How have you seen Jesus in the love, service, and sacrifice of others? How has someone else put flesh and bone on our Lord to convince you that He is real, He loves us, and has a purpose for living? How might God call you to do this for someone else? You have the ability to reflect the image of Jesus wherever you go to make His presence and power real. Consider what we read in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him” (TLB).
So let’s go be Jesus in the flesh today! How ’bout it? Let’s go!