On Vulnerability // James 5:16
Today’s verse gives us some great advice about how we can navigate our problems in life. We find connections to God and each other through confession and conversation, both in prayer and supportive accountability. The key here is something that can make us feel uncomfortable: vulnerability. Vulnerability is rooted in love, believe it or not. Love forces us to be vulnerable, to lower our defenses, and unlock the doors we barricade in the soul to protect our feelings, reputations, etc. God wants us to be vulnerable, open our life to love, confess our sinful shortcomings, and converse about how we need helpful support. God grants it and moves others alongside us when we live in such a posture. So, let’s get real with God and the people He gives us to do life with. Sure, it will cause feelings of vulnerability, but the confessions and conversations that follow will be life-giving to say the least.