Insignificant? // Psalm 83:4
Do you ever feel insignificant? I do when I stand and gaze at the ocean, or the mountains, a sunrise or a sunset. Creation amazes me and we know it is a primary way God reveals His nature to the world. What He wants you to know, though, is His mind is on you! As awesome as this world is, YOU are what He designed to live forever. Allow that to wash over you for a moment. Revelation 21 tells us that God will bring us a new heaven and a new earth so His people can live with Him forever and unpolluted from the destructive divisions caused by sin. All that is to say regardless how amazing creation is, we people are the ones that consume God’s thoughts. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “I want to know the thoughts of God. The rest are just details.” Friends, that is you! What are human beings that God is mindful of them, indeed? We are eternally significant, that’s what. And the Lord God moved heaven and earth to make it known. So, next time you feel insignificant, remember there is nothing that fills the thoughts of God quite like knowing you will be with Him in heaven forever.