Imitation // 3 John 1:11
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of imitation? The first thing that popped in my mind was imitation bacon bits (true story). Imitation in that regard is nothing more than a cheap copy. Imitation is a key component of our development as people, though, so it can’t be all bad. We imitate our parents and peers as children while learning how to live. The Scriptures want us to take that mindset as believers into learning how to live for God by imitating Christ and others who are more mature in the faith. We must make sure we keep ourselves uncorrupted in our imitations so as not to copy what is evil and will defile our lives. So, let’s work today to imitate the Lord as God continues to mold and shape us after the example of Jesus! And let’s do this authentically, true to who God designed us to be; otherwise, we are nothing more than a cheap replica of some God designed to help bring change to our evil and corrupt world.