Ignitions // John 1:5

Today’s verse is one I live by: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” I also love how other translations indicate that darkness cannot understand or comprehend how this is true. It might seem like basic physics to you and me, but for the forces of darkness that place disproportionate faith in their nefarious power, this truism is vexing to say the least. I cannot help but reflect upon the two-weeks Tiffany and I spent in China, looking at signs while trying to navigate a completely foreign culture. There were global brands with logos that we recognized, but the lettering was so foreign there was no way we otherwise could fathom what was depicted. I think this is one way to consider how incomprehensible God’s ways are to those who oppose them when they might be inclined to think they know what’s what. It might feel as though darkness reigns, but love is a spark that ignites an inferno…a wildfire of enlightenment. How have you experienced God’s light sparking hope and illuminating despair? When was the last time the Lord made it plain that His Truth always wins? Hold fast to those examples and let’s ignite our world with the faith, hope, and love of Jesus!

October 15 Square