I Forgot Day // Hebrews 8:12
Happy “I Forgot Day”! This unusual holiday was created by Gaye Anderson, from DeMotte, Indiana. She started this holiday because there was a period in her life where she was having a hard time remembering simple things. Instead of being bothered with her forgetfulness, she created this day to just relax and well, forget.
Taking a day to be ok forgetting things is a unique approach to be sure. It might even work like a reverse psychology, helping to ingrain things into the memory. But how can we celebrate this day from a biblical point of view? Well, I’m glad you asked. The Bible teaches us that once God forgives our sin, He forgets them. Wow, talk about power! I know when I’ve been wronged I struggle to forgive, but even more so to forget. I know there are people who have forgiven me, but they probably haven’t forgotten what happened either. We can truly thank God that He remembers our sins no more once we go to Him for forgiveness. That’s truly a supernatural power, isn’t it?
If you feel burdened by past messes, misses, and mistakes, go to God for forgiveness. God is faithful and just, promising to grant the forgiveness we seek. And when He does, He forgets our sins. Then, if we try going back to Him, rehashing past problems, we will be met with an, “Oh, I forgot about that.” So, let today be an “I Forgot Day” to remember. Bask in the powerful and merciful grace of God that forgives and forgets in ways no human possibly could.